
编辑: 老夏

《原子习惯》由James Clear所写,全球销量超过1500万册,已被翻译成50多种语言。这本书以引人入胜、贴近实际和易于理解的方式,帮助人们“建立良好的习惯并打破坏习惯”。对于企业家尤其如此,良好的习惯是至关重要的。当你身上背负着如此多的责任:人们、客户和你的家人,没有空间进行效率低下的实践,这会拖慢你的步伐并阻止你实现自己的潜力。



  1. 每天提高1%:如果你每天都能提高1%,那么一年后你会比现在好37倍。这是一个巨大的数字。微小的变化会为你和你的业务带来巨大的结果。
    • prompt:“I want to become better at [enter your area for improvement] by approximately 1% every single day, inspired by the concept of marginal gains. At the moment I would describe my proficiency as [explain how good you are now and why]. Can you outline a plan of the small actions I should take each day in order to improve by 1%? Include these within the context of a week, month, quarter and yearly plan.”
  2. 遵循行为改变的法则:在《原子习惯》中,Clear确定了建立新习惯或打破坏习惯的四个步骤:提示、渴望、响应和奖励。这意味着你必须使它变得明显、使它变得有吸引力、使它变得容易并使它变得令人满意。
    • prompt:“I want to start the habit of [explain the habit you want to begin] from a starting point of [explain what you already do]. According to the book, Atomic Habits, I should create a cue, a craving, a response and a reward around this habit. Can you suggest how I might do this in practice?”
  3. 堆叠你的习惯:习惯堆叠涉及将一个新习惯与一个现有习惯配对。所以,如果你已经养成了早上喝咖啡的习惯,那么将这个习惯与计划你的深度工作或在研磨豆子时切换你的桌子到站立模式的习惯配对。
    • prompt:“During my normal day I already do these things regularly: [describe the habits you already have]. Given that I want to start [explain the habits you want to start] how can I use the concept of habit stacking, where you pair a new habit with an existing one, to make this easy and satisfying, so I am more likely to keep it going?”
  4. 优化你的环境:对于吸引你注意力的每一件事,都有注意力残留。这意味着你工作区周围的杂乱或某人大声说话的噪音正在消耗你本可以用来工作的能量。
    • prompt:“I want to plan my workspace to minimize distractions so I can create better working habits. As I look now, I can see [describe your current field of vision] and I can hear [describe every sound around you]. Suggest ways I can optimize my environment for productivity.”
  5. 调整你的身份:一个早起并立即开始工作的人可能认为自己是一个生产力高的人。一个努力面对面地看到客户的人认为自己非常亲切。一个从不跳过健身房锻炼的人认为自己很健康。
    • prompt:“Given the habits that I want to create, can you suggest the identity it would be beneficial for me to adopt? Create a list of mantras that start with, “I am” to describe this identity.”
  6. 找到积极的同伴压力:模仿欲意味着我们潜意识地采纳了周围人的价值观和目标,这意味着社交和同伴的影响对我们的行为产生了巨大的影响,即使我们认为我们是免疫的。
    • prompt:“Given the habits I want to create and the person I want to become, can you suggest the groups of people it would be beneficial for me to associate with? What types of people should I look to spend more time with and how could I go about finding them?”


